Swissphone Stands for Secure Alerting and Efficient Communication

Swissphone produces robust pagers, designs secure alerting networks and develops innovative software solutions. Our products and solutions support each and every stage of the alerting chain, from triggering an emergency call to coordination in the control center right through to the transmission of alerts over the network and to the pagers.

s.QUAD X15

The s.QUAD X15 is robust, very comfortable to wear, and cannot be ignored. It impresses users with its state-of-the-art, functional design, outstanding reception, dust—and waterproof housing, and volume.

View s.QUAD X15 Pager Information

WF Communications, LLC
WF Communications, LLC

s.QUAD X35

The s.QUAD X35 stands out on account of its functional design and outstanding reception performance. The multi-colored LED volume and the option to play individual audio melodies for alerting round out the s.QUAD X35. The s.QUAD pager is dust and waterproof.

View s.QUAD X35 Pager Information

s.QUAD Voice

The s.QUAD Voice is robust, very comfortable to wear and cannot be ignored. It impresses users with its state-of-the-art, functional design, outstanding reception, its alerting volume and its dust and waterproof housing. The s.QUAD Voice can be firmware updated to a digital paging receiver (POCSAG), or can work in both modes in parallel as a single device. This option perfectly supports a smooth migration to digital alerting. Find our customer testimonial video under “The future of alerting”.

View s.QUAD Voice Pager Information

WF Communications, LLC
WF Communications, LLC

s.QUAD Voice 360

The s.QUAD is robust, very comfortable to wear and cannot be ignored. It impresses users with its state-of-the-art, functional design, outstanding reception, volume and dust and waterproof housing. Its rotary knob controls volume and changes alerting mode, giving the user full control while the pager is still on the belt. The s.QUAD Voice can be firmware updated to a digital paging receiver (POCSAG) or can work in both modes in parallel as a single device. This option perfectly supports a smooth migration to digital alerting. Find our customer testimonial video under “The future of alerting”.

View s.QUAD Voice 360 Pager Information